Goal: Students will play safely and fairly in all games and on all equipment in the designated area.
Student Expectations
Be Safe
- Students will walk to and from their designated play areas on the blacktop.
- Students are allowed to run on the sand when going out to play and returning to the blacktop.**
- Students will not leave the playground for any reason, without permission. Students may be given a pass or a supervisor may notify the office via radio.
- Rough play is NOT allowed on the playground. Rough play includes:
Be Respectful
Students will eat food in designated snack area only.
Rather than play, students may sit in the snack area using Voice Levels 0-2.
Students will show respect for others and follow instructions given by staff.
Students will settle differences peacefully by playing "Ro Sham Bo" or "Rock, Paper, Scissors."
Be Responsible
Students will play only in designated areas and stay within the boundaries.
NO cell phone or any electronic device use on the playground during school hours.
- When bell rings, students stop playing, freeze and squat. Wait for a whistle/flag then proceed to the classroom line up area.
- Students will follow the rules for all equipment and games established and taught by school staff.
Be Kind
Students are expected to show kindness through words and actions.
Students are expected to encourage each other during competitive games and avoid negative or hurtful remarks.
Playground Supervision Expectations for Staff
1. Be there: Arrive on time -physically and mentally.
2. Look and listen: Scan constantly for how it looks and sounds.
3. Be mobile: Roam as you patrol your area.
4. Know what's expected: Know the rules, procedures and manners students/staff are expected to follow (NO cell phone use, including texting)
5. Be proactive: Seek positive interactions w/ behavior-challenged students.
6. Aways respond: Respond to all behavior, even low level misbehavior.
7. Respond quickly: Always be available to assist students and colleagues.
8. Maximize your delivery: Deliver short/clear directions - keep your cool.
9. Choose corrections wisely: Seek to teach appropriate behavior.
10. Reach out and connect: Smile and use positive gestures!
Encouragement Procedures
1. Proactive, positive and friendly interactions are the best deterrents to inappropriate behavior.
2. Strategically distribute "Caught You Being Good" cards.
3. Compliment students on their safe, respectful, responsible, and kind behavior.
4. Use positive gestures (ex: smile, thumbs up, head nod).
5. Use five positive comments for every negative comment.
Examples of Logical Consequences
- One verbal warning
- Direct student to change game or activity
- Time out at supervisor's discretion for 20 seconds-3 minutes. Tell students:
A.Stop what you are doing.
B.Think about the correct behavior.
C.Plan what you will do next.
- Repeated infractions may result in possible loss of remainder of playtime.