Supervision begins 15 minutes before class starts. At that time, children are permitted on the school grounds. All children should be off campus within 15 minutes after the last bell rings. On rainy days, students may go directly to their classrooms unless directed otherwise. Running is not allowed on the sidewalks for safety. Students, staff and visitors are expected to avoid disruption by quietly passing classes in session.
Items not Allowed at School
Pets and other animals are not to be brought onto school grounds at any time. Animals are permitted at school only when needed for instructional purposes and when under the strict control of qualified instructors or handlers.
Toys, Games, Etc.
Students are not allowed to bring toys to school as it is a distraction to learning and often results in lost or broken toys. This includes trading cards. The school provides sufficient items for children to play with for both outdoor and indoor recess. CD players, Game Boys, or any other type electronic entertainment devices are not permitted on school grounds. Theft or loss of such items will not be investigated by school personnel.
Prohibited Food Items
Send nutricious food with students for snacks and lunch. Candy and chewing gum are not permitted at school. Food items with hot chile are not allowed since they may cause unnecessary stomach upset and other digestive problems. Please plan a head and send healthy meals with your student or purchase a well balanced breakfast and/or lunch in the school cafeteria.
Student Phone Usage
Cell Phones and other Electronic Signaling Devices
All students (K-5) may have cell phones, pagers, and other electronic signaling devices on school grounds and school buses, at school-sponsored activities, and while under the supervision of district employees. Students may use cellular phones, pagers, and other electronic signaling devices on school campus before school begins and after school ends. These devices must be kept out of sight (in backpacks or given to the teacher to hold) and turned off during instruction and in the classroom.
Unauthorized use of these devices distracts from the learning environment. School officials, including classroom teachers, may take devices away from students for inappropriate use. Repeated unauthorized use of such devices may lead to disciplinary action.
Students and parents are reminded that during an emergency situation, cellular sites may be overwhelmed due to a high volume of calls. Should this occur, emergency communication could also be affected. It is important that cell phones and other devices be used sparingly so that emergency services have priority to assist the students and staff on the site.
Theft or loss of such devices will not be investigated by school personnel. Students bring such devices at their own risk.
Calls during Instructional Time
At Lafayette we refrain from interrupting instructional time whenever possible. Calls will not be put through to students in the classroom except in the case of an emergency. Implement regular routines and procedures at home for remembering to bring books, homework, and any personal necessities before students come to school each day.